More than 120 Five Star Reviews



You Can Quit Smoking

Easily and Permanently in 7 Days


























Quit Smoking Forever

with our

Breathe Quit Technique

Our 120+ five star reviews prove
this system works
  • Do you try to quit smoking but fail every time?

  • Are you scared of losing years off your life?

  • Are you sick of wasting THOUSANDS of dollars every year on cigarettes?

  • Are you searching for a REAL solution to help you stop smoking forever - without the endless cravings?

Then read every word that follows, as it could save your life ...

How I helped 2171+ Clients Quit Smoking 

(95% success rate!)

My name is Michael Whelehan and I am a certified Master Hypnotherapist and Master NLP Practitioner.  I've developed a truly revolutionary system that has helped more than 2,000 people quit smoking quickly, easily and permanently with a 95% success rate. This unique program -​ the 'Breathe Quit Technique' -  has simple, easy to follow steps that only take half an hour each day and on the seventh day, you quit smoking for good!  It doesn't matter how many you smoke per day or how long you have been smoking, this system simply WORKS!

✓ 100% Safe With Results Guaranteed

Breathe Quit Technique (BQT) Platinum Plan is a 7 Day online membership program that makes it easy for you to quit smoking.

  • BQT 7 Day Program

    With your BQT membership, in just 7 days, we prepare you to quit smoking forever! You only need to spend around 15-30 minutes each day to prepare for your quit session on Day 7. By day 7 you will become convinced that you actually hate smoking and realize it never did anything for you apart from cause you harm. 

  • Quit smoking manual

    We provide an easy to follow, step by step guide in our BQT manual. You can also download a CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) exercise that helps dig up and eliminate any hidden subconscious beliefs that smoking helps in any way.  Once these beliefs are gone, it becomes easy!

  • Nothing to lose and Everything to Gain!

    How much do you spend on smoking? Many smokers spend more than $5,000 per year! What do you get for that money? Imagine the freedom of not being controlled by cigarettes, The joy of feeling healthier, more alive, having more energy, of living longer and being the best you can be for those you love.

  • Hypnosis Recordings

    You enjoy the powerful relaxation of 7 hypnosis recordings for each day of your BQT program so that change becomes simple and easy. These have been designed so that you can listen to them as you drift off to sleep! So even if you are very busy, you can definitely find the time to follow the steps in this program.

  • Video Guidance

    Each day you can watch videos that clearly outline the easy steps to follow and teach you very simple NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Techniques that help train your unconscious mind to feel that smoking is painful, and being a non-smoker is pleasurable.

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!


    We are so confident that this system will work for you that we offer a 30 Day unconditional money back guarantee!

    If you complete your membership program, and are not satisfied with the results in any way, we will refund your money in full.

    No questions asked!

Watch the 

testimonials below

or read our 120 + five star reviews to realize how easy it is to quit smoking with our

Breathe Quit Technique


Be Free With BQT!

Listen to how easy it was for these thrilled clients. For many, it almost seems like they never smoked.

It feels like a 'new life' where it is normal to be a non-smoker. It sounds strange, but this is the power of our unique BQT system, which uses Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) to totally reprogram the subconscious mind.



We still have some limited places available at 50% Discount 

Coupon code - BFREE50


We limit the number of people we work with, as we offer awesome support - so please take advantage of this unique opportunity while we still have capacity to help you eliminate that habit forever!


TODAY ONLY $197.00

with coupon code BFREE50

This opportunity will disappear in...


✓ 100% Safe With Results Guaranteed

What our customers say:

Please click HERE to see more video testimonials and hear how easy quitting is with the Breathe Quit Technique. You can also find our 120+ Google/Facebook reviews at the link above.  See below for some excerpts from our reviews.

Easy effortless and actually works. The most success I have had and actually a pleasant experience to go through

Rob Simpson



Best decision I made, never looked back..”

Esther Carls



The challenge was accepted. The terms..Life. This is what Breathe Hypnotherapy has given me....One call. 35+ years as a smoker. We did it! Thank you Wayne, from NY, NY



Wayne Hurst



"Since hypnotherapy on the 8th of December, l have not touched a cigarette going from 25 a day to nil still amazes me. I'm so very happy as is my family and friends. I get so much enjoyment telling people l have quit I feel empowered and strong with my progress everyday. Thank you 

Ashley Grant



✓ 100% Safe With Results Guaranteed